
No ones know how you feel....

No ones know how you feel.... They just think you are okay...

July 21, 2012
hey! how are you today? you doing fine?
how you doing today?
ei? What's that? you said you okay? good! i am happy to hear that! : )


But i am not... and you can't see it while you are just around....


It's Prince night (program of my youth)!!! yeaaaaaa....

But to tell the truth, i am not excited at all. Before the night, my sis called me. She told me she was coming home and wanted me to fetch her at airport. I enjoyed the talk with her last night. We talk and we shared about what we know in our faith, and she listen to me when i talk about something that has been bothering a few months ago. I am not going to talk about what's bothering me for these few months, so i will go on with what happen and how i feel today.

Yes, i had been emotional before the youth starts. and yeah, i didn't go to fetch my sis. For some reason, when i heard my mum says she want to go Kuching festival, i give up the thought to fetch my sister. The only reason is that ---- i don't like crowded places and... all you can do over there is EAT @.@

and so, i select to go to youth. By losing my invitation paper and due to my short memory, i totally FORGET what's the actuall time. (Sad Truth ---> me short memory) And so! when 博爱and Joseph inbox me "c ya" and "got to go liao" in facebook, i know it's going to start soon and guess what.... turn up, i end up there early by an hour @@

Anyway, but there is something that i really want to say. On the way to church. i found that my car was almost out of petrol! @@ Walao! i was so panic when my car shaked all the way to the petrol Station ( Thank God the Petrol Station is just a few mile away!) And the amazing thing happend.

The car out of petrol "zhun ZHUN!" at the petrol station and it is just beside the filling station!!!And i really thank God that i didn't choose to fetch my sister. ( probably will end up i am the one pushing the car all the way to petrol station and i can imagine how far i could be! @.@ )

( this photo was taken at my youth day at 7/7/2012, with Joseph Yuo, and Brandon Ling )
Both of them are pretty cute, hehehe! i used to stick around with them in Youth! :DDD

Two of them are humorous when they hang out together. Just like brothers! hahaha XDD
i hope i can be like them, but ermmm.... i guess i will just be myself! hehehehe.

ANYWAY! by God grace, my wallet left RM 16 and was enough for me to go to church and go back. and i REALIZEd i reached early when i DIDN'T saw any car at the parking lot.

i Reached Church by 6.18pm. and so, i cleaned my car (roughly) with the player on. and i really enjoyed the songs. i really do : )

after a while, i lift my head up to the sky. At that sudden moment, i felt touched! the reason why i liked Eagle so much is because i found that my character are so much alike with an Eagle. I know that God had granted me wing to Soar ( Evangelical vision ), sharp claws and peak ( The knowledge to defend the truth ), and a Sharp vision to find the prey. ( to find and spot the lost soul and the needed one[ which is someone who sat alone and waited for someone to talk to them and not that obvious to be spotted ] ) and for that moment, i cried and give thanks to God.

The youth start, and i felt a bit of uncomfortable just because the Princess are going to say something that make me feel blush and shy again. I really don't know what to react. In the end, i end up being crazy and kept on talking -.-

The WORST part is the game. I found that i felt hatred for the games. It's not because the game is good, but i just don't like the situation that everyone is SCREAMING. It HURT MY EARS! and... it reminds me, how unmature i am when i was younger. and i DON'T WANT to go back to that time again ever....

And i really felt tired.

Before the youth start, with lousy skill ( and i don't know how to play piano ), i played the song “无论何处去”by 唐崇荣牧师. The song had always gives me great comfort. :')

I want to soar in YOUR grace O Lord. i seek for YOUR presence and YOU to lead my life for i know that there is nothing more worthy for me in my life, neither work, academy, knowledge, social, friends, nor relationship. Jesus Christ had die for me and everyone of us on the cross and grant me, and us the salvation and eternal life after death. HE died on the cross because HE love us,and REVIVE after 3 days, and had VICTORY over the death! HE came to this world. HE, a God came to this world which HE created , and became a MAN just to die for our SINS on the CROSS so that God's wrath will not fall upon us, but on HIM alone. and HE grant us this salvation with only one condition.

BELIEVE! believe that Christ died for us on the CROSS and as our saviour and the Lord of our life.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ( John 14:6 )

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ( John 3 :16 )


hahahahahaha, i take this picture while waiting for the youth to start~ ( and just for fun kay~ XDD)

( look scary? hahahaha, just playing xDDDD )

OKAY! time for to end this blog! i hope you enjoy reading! for i enjoy viewing the great sky, and posting the Photos! hahahah :DDDD



Ab Eb Ab Eb Ab
Eb Fm Ab Bb Eb

Ab Eb Ab Eb Ab
Eb Fm Ab Bb Eb

Ab Eb Ab Eb Ab
Eb Fm Ab Bb Eb

Eb Ab Eb Ab
Eb Ab Eb Ab


当然,那个星期刚好也是主恩堂少团的生活营。我相信是上帝的意思,让我去KL让我更多亲近神。 我还买了好多的书呢!那是我买的下手,又很甘愿的时候了!都是属灵书籍,买回来没后悔!因为我超爱看书的!

正好!明天的学生团契就来唱这首歌吧! 希望我能带的好 : D
记得时刻祷告!不依靠自己,凡事依靠神! :DDD
今天就这样啦! xDDD


完成救赎的条件———— 基督是神又是人








(这是在网站上面找到全本书的版本! :D )



近期的活动蛮多下! 让大家看看吧! :DD

蒙恩堂的一日游,全部回来都变得黑黑的 XDD

主恩与晋光堂的少团的联谊! :D

哈哈…我的班! :DDD

这些都是以后要成为律师的学生们!呵呵! :D

认领的“女儿” :P (我们没在paktou咯,做么每个人都讲我们paktou >.< )

二十届的美女,phewwit~ :PPPP


今天去SushiBonaza!就只有拍的一张的照片。嗨… (这是六个人吃的份,不是我而已,我都不吃多)
哈哈哈… XDDD

近期ISCF跟晋福少团的Telematch联谊! 呵呵呵… :DDD


久违,最近都好懒惰来这里写写 :3
最近感觉良好。课业上放松了许多,真的是糟糕啊… 哈哈… :DDD

“大家热恋的狂潮怎么都来?” @.@

不管了,来分享近况都做了什么吧! :D


"青中ISCF二十周年,感恩!" 感恩!是因为上帝的恩典,带领我们走入20周年。我虽参与只有短短的三年,但我看到的,经历的,就如学徒开始实场上的经历一般!当中,神的带领非凡,也一直在听我的祷告。这是一张十八届的职员们,一起拍的一张照片。真的很难的。能够在各自的忙碌的生活中,又聚集来拍这张照片!有就很感恩了。因为从今以后,我们会否再在任何的情况或原因下再次在主里相聚呢?

从十八到二十,相隔两年的时间。这次又回到了一样的工厂,却带着不一样的使命与心态。今年将会是一个不可能的任务。是靠我自己或任何人的能力所不能做到的任何事工。这么庞大的事工,从顺服,到带领,到牧羊,到布道,到栽培。若不是神动工,没有一样我们能凭己力完成。感恩!并时刻警醒祷告,也为我们这一届来祷告吧! :D





这一天最让我欣慰的事情,就是几位来自晋福堂的同工,愿意来到主恩堂,就好像我最后在主恩少团神的安慰一般。他们并不止是同工,而是我生命里的良友,真的很感恩你们愿意圆了我一直的心愿。 :)



唐崇荣 信仰与圣乐 01

来!值得你花你人身的单单一个小时去听。你能得到的却是超过一个小时的真道跟美丽圣诗! : )


耶穌說,"我就是道路 、真理 、生命;若不藉著我 ,沒有人能到父那裡去。 (约翰福音 14:6)

耶穌說,"我就是道路 、真理 、生命;若不藉著我 ,沒有人能到父那裡去。 (约翰福音 14:6)

今天我们就来好好思想单单这一节经文。这一节经文或许对你来说很​常听,但我们就从当中来好好思考。 耶稣讲这句话的时候,听的人,明白的人,有两种反应。一,就是认​为这人(耶稣)疯了。二,就是这人到底是谁,竟然敢讲这样的话,​这人到底有什么权力讲这样的话? 为什么我会这样讲的原因是因为能讲这句话的人不简单。为什么不简​单?我们来看看。


求神给我们智慧明白Ta奇妙的奥秘,开启我们心眼,追求主的真道​! : )


在夜晚,当你独自一人闭上眼睛躺在床上的时候,终是是回想起以前的事情。明明是那么想逃避的,但却在最安静的时候全都回来了。若不是神恩,我早就已经在12岁那年死了。 夜长梦多,安静的时刻,就是与自己对话的时间。人长大了,时间越来越少了,精力也大不如从前。如果人的一生有70多,那今...